Source code for versuchung.archives

# This file is part of versuchung.
# versuchung is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# versuchung is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# versuchung.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function

from versuchung.types import Type, InputParameter
from versuchung.files import Directory, Directory_op_with, File
from versuchung.execute import shell
import logging
import os
import sys
import gzip
import re
from subprocess import PIPE
    from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
except Exception:
    from io import BytesIO

[docs]class TarArchive(Type, InputParameter, Directory_op_with): """Can be used as: **input parameter** The archive will be extracted to a temporary directory. It will be removed after the experiment is over. ``clone_url`` can either be a :class:`string` or any object that has a ``.path`` attribute (like e.g. :class:`~versuchung.filesystems.File`). Of course the referenced file must be a single file. This parameter can be used as argument to the with keyword, to change to the temporary directory:: with self.inputs.tar_archive as path: # Here we have path == os.path.abspath(os.curdir) # Do something in the extracted copy print path """ def __init__(self, filename = None): """The default_filename is either a string to a file. Or a object with a path attribute (e.g. a :class:`~versuchung.files.File`)""" Type.__init__(self) InputParameter.__init__(self) Directory_op_with.__init__(self) self.__filename = filename self.__value = None def inp_setup_cmdline_parser(self, parser): self.inp_parser_add(parser, None, self.__filename) def inp_extract_cmdline_parser(self, opts, args): self.__filename = self.inp_parser_extract(opts, None) def before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type): if parameter_type == "input" and "path" in dir(self.__filename): self.subobjects["filename"] = self.__filename Type.before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type) self.__filename = self.__filename.path else: Type.before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type) self.__filename = os.path.abspath(self.__filename) def inp_metadata(self): return { self.__filename} def __setup_value(self): if "path" in dir(self.__filename): self.subobjects["filename"] = self.__filename self.__filename = self.__filename.path self.__filename = os.path.abspath(self.__filename) fn = self.__filename extract_mode = "" if "tar.gz" in fn or "tgz" in fn: extract_mode = "z" if "tar.bz2" in fn or "bzip2" in fn: extract_mode = "j" if "tar.xz" in fn or "txz" in fn: extract_mode = "J" with self.tmp_directory as d: try: os.mkdir( except OSError: # ignore errors if the directory should already exist for some reason pass with Directory( as d2: dirname = os.path.abspath(".") (out, ret) = shell("tar %sxvf %s", extract_mode, fn) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError("Extracting of %s failed" % fn) cd = None for line in out: if (cd == None or len(line) < len(cd)) and line.endswith("/"): cd = line if cd and all([x.startswith(cd) for x in out]): dirname = cd return Directory(os.path.abspath(dirname)) @property def value(self): """Return a :class:`versuchung.files.Directory` instance to the extracted tar archive. If it contains only one directory the instance will point there. Otherwise it will point to a directory containing the contents of the archive""" if not self.__value: self.__value = self.__setup_value() return self.__value @property def path(self): """Return the string to the extract directory (same as .value.path)""" return self.value.path
[docs]class GitArchive(InputParameter, Type, Directory_op_with): """Can be used as: **input parameter** The git repository given in ``clone_url`` will be cloned to a temporary directory. It will be removed after the experiment is over. If ``shallow == True`` Only the files and not the .git is copied (cloned). This is especially useful for large git repositories like the Linux kernel tree. ``clone_url`` can either be a :class:`string` or any object that has a ``.path`` attribute (like e.g. :class:`TarArchive`). Of course the refenced path must be a directory. This parameter can be used as argument to the with keyword, to change to the temporary directory:: with self.inputs.git_archive as path: # Here we have path == os.path.abspath(os.curdir) # Do something in the extracted copy print path """ def __init__(self, clone_url = None, ref = "refs/heads/master", shallow=False, branches=None, tags=None): """clone_url: where to the git archive from This might either be a string or a object with a path attribute ref: which git reference to checkout shallow: do a shallow copy (using git-archive). branches: Also fetch other branches. Use branches=True for all branches and branches=REGEX for a filtered view. tags: Also fetch other tags. Use tags=True for all tags and tags=REGEX for a filtered view. The git archive will be cloned to (which is the key in the input parameters dict)""" Type.__init__(self) InputParameter.__init__(self) Directory_op_with.__init__(self) self.__clone_url = clone_url self.__ref = ref self.__shallow = shallow self.__value = None self.__hash = None # Include branches and tags into the metadata-hash self.__filter_refs = {"branches": branches, "tags": tags} if (branches or tags ) and shallow: raise RuntimeError("Shallow clone and branch/tag checkout is not supported.") def inp_setup_cmdline_parser(self, parser): self.inp_parser_add(parser, "clone-url", self.__clone_url) self.inp_parser_add(parser, "ref", self.__ref) def inp_extract_cmdline_parser(self, opts, args): self.__clone_url = self.inp_parser_extract(opts, "clone-url") self.__ref = self.inp_parser_extract(opts, "ref") def before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type): if parameter_type == "input" and "path" in dir(self.__clone_url): self.subobjects["clone-url"] = self.__clone_url Type.before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type) self.__clone_url = self.__clone_url.path else: Type.before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type) def __references(self, prefix_filter=None, regex_filter=None): (lines, ret) = shell("git ls-remote %s 'refs/*'", self.__clone_url, stderr=sys.stderr) if ret != 0 or lines == 0: print("\n".join(lines)) raise RuntimeError("Could not list references in repository") ret = {} for line in lines: commit_hash, refname = line.strip().split("\t", 1) # Apply regex and prefix filter if prefix_filter: if not refname.startswith(prefix_filter): continue # I have no idea where these names come from if refname.startswith("refs/tags/") and refname.endswith("^{}"): continue # Shorten the Prefix refname = refname[len(prefix_filter):] if regex_filter and not re.match(regex_filter, refname): continue ret[refname] = commit_hash return ret
[docs] def references(self, regex_filter=None): """Inspect reference list of the repository. This reference list includes all branches, tags, and whatsoever. All reference names are fully qualified (refs/tags/*, refs/heads*). If the ``regex_filter`` is given, only reference names that match the regex are returned. @returns a dictionary that maps references to commit hashes """ return self.__references(regex_filter=regex_filter)
[docs] def tags(self): """Like references, but returns a list of tags in the repository. The keys are transformed (refs/tags/$X -> $X). The GitArchive(tags=...) filter applies! @returns dictionary of tag name to commit hashes """ regex_filter = None arg = self.__filter_refs["tags"] if arg and arg is not True: regex_filter = arg return self.__references(prefix_filter="refs/tags/", regex_filter=regex_filter)
[docs] def branches(self): """Like references, but returns a list of branches/heads in the repository. The keys are transformed (refs/heads/$X -> $X). The GitArchive(branches=...) filter applies! @returns dictionary of tag name to commit hashes """ regex_filter = None arg = self.__filter_refs["branches"] if arg and arg is not True: regex_filter = arg return self.__references(prefix_filter="refs/heads/", regex_filter=regex_filter)
def checkout(self, branch=None, tag=None): if branch: visible_branches = self.__metadata.get("branches", {}) if branch not in visible_branches: raise RuntimeError("Branch `%s' is not visible, please parametrize GitArchive(branches=...) correctly" % branch) self.__ref = "refs/heads/" + branch self.__hash = visible_branches[branch] if tag: visible_tags = self.__metadata.get("tags", {}) if tag not in visible_tags: raise RuntimeError("Tag `%s' is not visible, please parametrize GitArchive(tags=...) correctly" % tag) self.__ref = "refs/tags/" + tag self.__hash = visible_tags[tag] if not self.__ref: raise RuntimeError("GitArchive.checkout() requires branch or tag parameter") cmd = "cd '%s' && git checkout %s" (lines, ret) = shell(cmd, self.value.path, self.__ref, stderr=sys.stderr) if ret != 0: print("\n".join(lines)) raise RuntimeError("GitArchive.checkout(%s) failed" % self.__ref) return (self.__ref, self.__hash)
[docs] def checkout_hash(self): """Return the hash of the HEAD commit hash as string""" if not self.__hash: cmd = "git ls-remote %s %s" % (self.__clone_url, self.__ref) (lines, ret) = shell(cmd, stderr=sys.stderr) if ret != 0 or lines == 0: print("\n".join(lines)) sys.exit(-1) self.__hash = lines[0].split("\t")[0] if self.__hash == "": self.__hash = self.__ref return self.__hash
[docs] def checkout_ref(self): """Return git ref which was checked out""" return self.__ref
[docs] def checkout_url(self): """Return git url which was checked out""" return self.__clone_url
def inp_metadata(self): ret = {"clone-url": str(self.__clone_url), "ref": self.__ref, "hash": self.checkout_hash()} # If the user wants to checkout different branches, these have # to influence the metadata hash for ref, getter in [("branches", self.branches), ("tags", self.tags)]: if self.__filter_refs[ref]: ret[ref] = getter() self.__metadata = ret return { + "-" + k: v for (k,v) in ret.items()} def __setup_value(self): if "path" in dir(self.__clone_url): self.subobjects["clone-url"] = self.__clone_url self.__clone_url = self.__clone_url.path"copying git archive %s", self.__clone_url) with self.tmp_directory as d: os.mkdir( if self.__shallow: cmd = "cd '%s' && git archive --format=tar --remote=%s %s | tar x" args = (, self.__clone_url, self.__ref) else: cmd = "git clone %s %s" args = (self.__clone_url, (lines, ret) = shell(cmd, *args, stderr=sys.stderr) if ret != 0: print("\n".join(lines)) sys.exit(-1) if not self.__shallow: cmd = "cd %s && git gc && git fetch %s %s && git checkout FETCH_HEAD" args = (, self.__clone_url, self.__ref) (lines, ret) = shell(cmd, *args, stderr=sys.stderr) if ret != 0: print("\n".join(lines)) sys.exit(-1) # Fetch all visible branches and tags for branch in self.__metadata.get("branches", {}): cmd = "cd %s && git fetch %s refs/heads/%s && git update-ref refs/heads/%s FETCH_HEAD" shell(cmd,, self.__clone_url, branch, branch, stderr=sys.stderr) for tag in self.__metadata.get("tags", {}): cmd = "cd %s && git fetch %s refs/tags/%s && git update-ref refs/tags/%s FETCH_HEAD" shell(cmd,, self.__clone_url, tag, tag, stderr=sys.stderr) return Directory(os.path.abspath( @property def value(self): """Return a :class:`versuchung.files.Directory` instance to the cloned git directory""" if not self.__value: self.__value = self.__setup_value() return self.__value @property def path(self): """Return the string to the extract directory (same as .value.path)""" return self.value.path
[docs]class GzipFile(File): def __init__(self, default_filename=""): File.__init__(self, default_filename, binary=True) @property def path(self): """Decompress file into the temporary directory and return path to this location""" assert self.tmp_directory is not None, \ "Can gunzip file only as part of an active experiment" path = File.path.fget(self) base = os.path.basename(path.rstrip(".gz")) filename = os.path.join(self.tmp_directory.path, + "_" + base) if not os.path.exists(filename): shell("gunzip < %s > %s", path, filename) return filename
[docs] def after_read(self, value): x = BytesIO(value) fd = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=x) return
[docs] def before_write(self, value): x = BytesIO() fd = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=x, mode="w") fd.write(value.encode()) fd.close() return x.getvalue()