Source code for versuchung.database

# This file is part of versuchung.
# versuchung is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# versuchung is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# versuchung.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function

from versuchung.types import Type, InputParameter, OutputParameter
import logging
import sqlite3
import os, stat

# Import mysql handler
    import MySQLdb
    import _mysql_exceptions

class Database_Abstract:
    def values(self, table_name, filter_expr = "where experiment = ?", *args):
        """Get the contets of a table in the database. It takes
        addtional to the table name, a filter expression and applies
        all args to the excute command. An example::

           (cols, rows) = database.values("metadata", "")
           for row in rows:
                print cols, rows
        cur = self.handle.cursor()
        cur.execute('select * from ' + table_name + filter_expr,

        cols = [x[0] for x in cur.description]
        def generator():
            while True:
                row = cur.fetchone()
                if row == None:
                yield row

        index = cols.index("experiment")
        return cols, generator()

[docs]class Database_MySQL(InputParameter, OutputParameter, Type, Database_Abstract): """Can be used as **input parameter** and **output parameter** A database backend class for a MySQL database.""" def __init__(self, database = None, host = "localhost", user = None, password = None): InputParameter.__init__(self) OutputParameter.__init__(self) Type.__init__(self) assert database != None, "Please give a database name to database connection" self.__database_name = database self.__database_host = os.environ.get("MYSQL_HOST", None) or host self.__database_user = os.environ.get("MYSQL_USER", None) or user self.__database_password = os.environ.get("MYSQL_PASSWORD", None) or password self.__database_connection = None def inp_setup_cmdline_parser(self, parser): self.inp_parser_add(parser, "database", self.__database_name) self.inp_parser_add(parser, "host", self.__database_host) self.inp_parser_add(parser, "user", self.__database_user) self.inp_parser_add(parser, "password", self.__database_password) def inp_extract_cmdline_parser(self, opts, args): self.__database_name = self.inp_parser_extract(opts, "database") self.__database_host = self.inp_parser_extract(opts, "host") self.__database_user = self.inp_parser_extract(opts, "user") self.__database_password = self.inp_parser_extract(opts, "password") def inp_metadata(self): return { + "-database": self.__database_name, + "-host": self.__database_host}
[docs] def install_my_cnf(self): """Creates a my.cnf file and sets the environment variable MYSQL_HOME""" directory = self.tmp_directory.new_directory( path = os.path.join(directory.path, "my.cnf") logging.debug("MYSQL_HOME=%s", path) with os.fdopen(, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o600), 'w') as handle: handle.write("""[client] host=%s user=%s password=%s database=%s """ %(self.__database_host, self.__database_user, self.__database_password, self.__database_name)) # Set the environment variable to the directory the my.cnf is located os.environ["MYSQL_HOME"] = directory.path if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".my.cnf")): logging.warning("~/.my.cnf does overwrite versuchung's file")
def before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type): Type.before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type) assert parameter_type in ["input", "output"] args = {"db": self.__database_name, "host": self.__database_host} if self.__database_user: args["user"] = self.__database_user if self.__database_password: args["passwd"] = self.__database_password default_file = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".my.cnf") if os.path.exists(default_file): args["read_default_file"] = default_file self.__database_connection = MySQLdb.connect(**args) if parameter_type == "output": try: self.create_table("metadata", [("experiment", "varchar(256)"), ("metadata", "text")], keys = ["experiment"], conflict_strategy = "REPLACE") except _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError as e: # Metadata table was already generated pass self.execute("REPLACE INTO metadata(experiment, metadata) values(?, ?)", self.dynamic_experiment.experiment_identifier, str(self.dynamic_experiment.metadata)) @property def handle(self): """:return: handle -- MySQLdb database handle""" assert self.__database_connection return self.__database_connection
[docs] def execute(self, command, *args): """Execute command including the arguments on the sql handle. Question marks in the command are replaces by the ``*args``:: >>> database.execute("SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE experiment = ?", identifer) """ logging.debug("mysql: %s %s", str(command), str(args)) c = self.__database_connection.cursor() c.execute(command.replace("?", "%s"), args) self.__database_connection.commit() return c
[docs] def create_table(self, name, fields = [("key", "text"), ("value", "text")], keys = None, conflict_strategy = None): """Creates a new table in the database. ``name`` is the name of newly created table. The ``fields`` are a list of columns. A column is a tuple, its first entry is the name, its second entry the column type. If primary is the name of a column this column is marked as the primary key for the table. conflict_strategy is ignored! """ CT = "CREATE TABLE " + name + " (" CT += ", ".join([ "%s %s" % x for x in fields]) if keys: assert set(keys).issubset(set([x[0] for x in fields])) CT += ", UNIQUE(" + (", ".join(keys)) + ")" CT += ")" return self.execute(CT)
[docs]class Database_SQLite(InputParameter, OutputParameter, Type, Database_Abstract): """Can be used as **input parameter** and **output parameter** A database backend class for sqlite3 database.""" # Static cache of all database connections open in system # Map from path -> tuple(db_handle, use_count) database_connections = {} def __init__(self, path = "sqlite3.db"): InputParameter.__init__(self) OutputParameter.__init__(self) Type.__init__(self) self.__database_path = path self.__database_connection = None def inp_setup_cmdline_parser(self, parser): self.inp_parser_add(parser, None, self.__database_path) def inp_extract_cmdline_parser(self, opts, args): self.__database_path = self.inp_parser_extract(opts, None) def inp_metadata(self): return { self.__database_path} def before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type): Type.before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type) assert parameter_type in ["input", "output"] if parameter_type == "input": # Ensure the path does exist if not os.path.exists(self.path): raise RuntimeError("Database not found: %s" % self.path) self.__database_connection = self.__connect(self.path) if parameter_type == "output": try: self.create_table("metadata", [("experiment", "text"), ("metadata", "text")], keys = ["experiment"], conflict_strategy = "REPLACE") except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: # Metadata table was already generated pass self.execute("INSERT INTO metadata(experiment, metadata) values(?, ?)", self.dynamic_experiment.experiment_identifier, str(self.dynamic_experiment.metadata)) def after_experiment_run(self, parameter_type): Type.before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type) assert parameter_type in ["input", "output"] self.__database_connection = None self.__disconnect(self.path) if parameter_type == "output": # Remove execute and write permissions for file new_mode = os.stat(self.path).st_mode & (stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IRUSR) os.chmod(self.path, new_mode) @staticmethod def __connect(path): # Do reference counting on database connections if path in Database_SQLite.database_connections: (db, count) = Database_SQLite.database_connections[path] Database_SQLite.database_connections[path] = (db, count + 1) return db conn = sqlite3.connect(path) Database_SQLite.database_connections[path] = (conn, 1) return conn @staticmethod def __disconnect(path): (db, count) = Database_SQLite.database_connections[path] db.commit() if count == 1: db.close() del Database_SQLite.database_connections[path] return Database_SQLite.database_connections[path] = (db, count - 1) @property def path(self): """:return: string -- path to the sqlite database file""" return os.path.join(self.base_directory, self.__database_path) @property def handle(self): """:return: handle -- sqlite3 database handle""" assert self.__database_connection return self.__database_connection
[docs] def execute(self, command, *args): """Execute command including the arguments on the sql handle. Question marks in the command are replaces by the ``*args``:: >>> database.execute("SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE experiment = ?", identifer) """ logging.debug("sqlite: %s %s", str(command), str(args)) return self.__database_connection.execute(command, args)
[docs] def create_table(self, name, fields = [("key", "text"), ("value", "text")], keys = None, conflict_strategy = "REPLACE"): """Creates a new table in the database. ``name`` is the name of newly created table. The ``fields`` are a list of columns. A column is a tuple, its first entry is the name, its second entry the column type. If primary is the name of a column this column is marked as the primary key for the table.""" CT = "CREATE TABLE " + name + " (" CT += ", ".join([ "%s %s" % x for x in fields]) if keys: assert set(keys).issubset(set([x[0] for x in fields])) CT += ", UNIQUE(" + (", ".join(keys)) + ")" CT += " ON CONFLICT " + conflict_strategy CT += ")" return self.execute(CT)
[docs]def Database( database_type = "sqlite", *args, **kwargs): """This is a just a wrapper around the supported database abstraction classes. Every other argument and paramater than ``database_type`` is forwared directly to those classes. Supported database_type abstractions are at the moment: - ``sqlite`` -- :class:`~versuchung.database.Database_SQLite` - ``mysql`` -- :class:`~versuchung.database.Database_MySQL` """ if database_type == "sqlite": if not "path" in kwargs: kwargs["path"] = "sqlite3.db" return Database_SQLite(*args, **kwargs) if database_type == "mysql": return Database_MySQL(*args, **kwargs) assert False, "Database type %s is not implemented yet" % database_type
[docs]class Table(InputParameter, OutputParameter, Type): """Can be used as **input parameter** and **output parameter** A versuchung table is a table that is aware of experiments. It stores for each dataset the experiment it originates from. The field list consists either of plain strings, then the column type is text. If it's a tuple the first entry is the name and the second its type:: >>> [("foo", "integer"), "barfoo"] This will result in two columns, one with type integer and one with type text. If a db is given this one is used instead of a default sqlite database named ``sqlite3.db`` To make a set of field the index keys (UNIQUE), give it as a list of string as keys argument. The conflict_strategy gives the SQL strategy what to do on conflict. If you want to merge databases from multiple experiments without triggering a conflict if the given key set is equal (i.e., if you want the same values in the columns given as keys to be treated different when coming from different experiments), add ``experiment`` to the key set. """ def __init__(self, fields, keys = None, db = None, conflict_strategy = "FAIL" ): self.read_only = True InputParameter.__init__(self) OutputParameter.__init__(self) Type.__init__(self) self.__keys = keys self.__fields = self.__field_typify(["experiment"] + fields) self.__conflict_strategy = conflict_strategy if not db: self.__db = Database() else: self.__db = db def __field_typify(self, fields): real_fields = [] for f in fields: if type(f) in [tuple, list]: real_fields.append(tuple(f)) else: # the default field type is text assert type(f) == str real_fields.append(tuple([f, 'text'])) return real_fields def before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type): # Add database object as an self.subobjects["database"] = self.__db Type.before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type) if parameter_type == "output": self.read_only = False self.__db.create_table(self.table_name, self.__fields, keys = self.__keys, conflict_strategy = self.__conflict_strategy) @property def database(self): """:return: :class:`~versuchung.database.Database` -- the database the table is located in""" return self.__db @property def table_name(self): """:return: string -- return the name of the table in the database""" assert self.static_experiment name = try: i ="-") name = name[i+1:] except: pass return self.static_experiment.title + "__" + name
[docs] def insert(self, data=None, **kwargs): """Insert a dict of data into the database table""" assert self.read_only == False if data: kwargs.update(data) kwargs["experiment"] = self.dynamic_experiment.experiment_identifier assert set(kwargs.keys()) == set([f for f, t in self.__fields]) items = kwargs.items() insert_statement = "INSERT INTO %s(%s) values(%s)" % ( self.table_name, ", ".join([f for f, t in items]), ", ".join(["?" for _ in items])) self.__db.execute(insert_statement, *[v for k,v in items])
[docs] def clear(self): """Remove all entries associated with the current running experiment""" self.__db.execute("DELETE FROM " + self.table_name +" WHERE experiment = ?", self.dynamic_experiment.experiment_identifier)
@property def value(self): """The value of the table. It returns a tuple. The first entry is a tuple of column headings. The second entry is a list of rows, in the same order as the column headings. The column that associates the entry with the experiment is stripped apart and only data for the static enclosing experiment is shown.""" (cols, rows) = self.__db.values(self.table_name, ' where experiment = ?', self.static_experiment.experiment_identifier) index = cols.index("experiment") table = [] for row in rows: l = list(row) del l[index] table.append(tuple(l)) del cols[index] return tuple(cols), table
[docs]class TableDict(Table, dict): """Can be used as **input parameter** and **output parameter** This uses a :class:`~versuchung.database.Table` as a backend for a python dict. This object can be used in the same way :class:`~versuchung.tex.PgfKeyDict` is used. Please be aware, that the storage and retrieval of keys from the associated table is done lazy. Therefore the data is only then visible if the experiment was successful. """ def __init__(self, db=None): self.__key_name = "key" self.__value_name = "value" columns = [(self.__key_name, 'text'), (self.__value_name, 'text')] Table.__init__(self, columns, keys=[self.__key_name], db=db, conflict_strategy = "REPLACE") dict.__init__(self)
[docs] def insert(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def flush(self): """Save the current dict content to the database.""" Table.clear(self) for key, value in self.items(): Table.insert(self, {self.__key_name: key, self.__value_name: value})
def after_experiment_run(self, parameter_type): assert self.parameter_type == parameter_type if parameter_type == "output": self.flush() Table.after_experiment_run(self, parameter_type) def before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type): Table.before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type) if parameter_type == "input": (header, values) = self.value key_index = header.index(self.__key_name) value_index = header.index(self.__value_name) self.update([(x[key_index], x[value_index]) for x in values])
class Database_SQlite_Merger: def log(self, msg, *args): if self.logging: print("merger: " + (msg % args)) def __init__(self, target_path, source_paths = [], logging = True): self.target_path = target_path self.logging = logging self.source_paths = {} = sqlite3.connect(target_path) db_counter = 0 for source in source_paths: assert os.path.exists(source), "Path does not exist " + source name = "db_%d" % db_counter db_counter += 1"ATTACH DATABASE '%s' AS %s" %(source, name)) self.log("attached %s as %s", source, name) self.source_paths[name] = source def collect_and_create_tables(self, drop = True): cur = self.tables = {} for db in self.source_paths: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + db + ".sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'") header = [x[0] for x in cur.description] for table in cur.fetchall(): table = dict(zip(header, table)) name = table["name"] if table["name"] in self.tables: if self.tables[name]["sql"] != table["sql"]: self.log("Two tables with different defintions found: %s" % name) sys.exit(-1) self.tables[name]["databases"].append(db) else: self.tables[name] = table self.tables[name]["databases"] = [db] for name, table in self.tables.items(): if drop: try: cur.execute("DROP TABLE %s" % name) except: pass cur.execute(table["sql"]) else: cur.execute(table["sql"].replace('CREATE TABLE', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS')) self.log("created table %s", name) cur.close() def collect_data(self): cur = TableDictrows = set() for name in self.tables: rows = set() headers = None for db in self.tables[name]["databases"]: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM %s.%s" % (db, name)) for i in cur.fetchall(): rows.add(i) headers = [x[0] for x in cur.description] cur.executemany("INSERT INTO %s (%s) values(%s)" % (\ name, ", ".join(headers), ", ".join(["?" for x in headers]) ), rows) self.log("inserted %d rows into %s", len(rows), name) if headers == ["experiment", "key", "value"]: TableDictrows.update(rows) cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TableDict (experiment text, key text, value text," "UNIQUE (key) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)") cur.executemany("INSERT INTO TableDict (experiment, key, value) values(?,?,?)", TableDictrows) self.log("inserted %d key-value pairs into TableDict", len(TableDictrows)) cur.close() def merge(self, update = True): """Do the actual merge operation""" self.collect_and_create_tables(drop = not update) self.collect_data() if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(sys.argv[0] + " <target-database-file> [<source-db1> <source-db2> ...]") print(" -- merges different versuchung sqlite databases into a single one") sys.exit(-1) merger = Database_SQlite_Merger(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:]) merger.merge()