Source code for versuchung.types

# This file is part of versuchung.
# versuchung is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# versuchung is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# versuchung.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import csv
    from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import copy
import glob

class SubObjects(dict):
    def __init__(self, type_object):
        self.parent = type_object

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        assert not key in self or self[key] == value, "Duplicated object name: %s = %s" % (key, value)
        dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
        value.parent_object = self.parent

    def update(self):
        if not "parent" in dir(self) and len(self) > 0:
            print("You probably used python multiprocessing, this might break horrible")

        for name, obj in self.items():
            if != None:
       = "%s-%s" % (, name)
       = name
            obj.static_experiment  = self.parent.static_experiment
            obj.dynamic_experiment = self.parent.dynamic_experiment

class Type(object):
    static_experiment = None
    """A reference to the static enclosing experiment: where the type was defined in"""

    dynamic_experiment = None
    """A reference to the currently running experiment"""

    subobjects = None
    """A Type.Subobjects instance that collects all Types that are
       used by this type. Subordinate types"""

    parent_object = None
    """A Type instance that is the parent of this object"""

    parameter_type = None

    def __init__(self):
        # We gather a list of objects that are used by us.
        self.subobjects = SubObjects(self)
        self.__name = None

    def before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type):
        self.parameter_type = parameter_type
        for subobj in self.subobjects.values():

    def after_experiment_run(self, parameter_type):
        for subobj in self.subobjects.values():

    # Accessors
    """This is the base type for all input and output parameters"""
    def name(self):
        return self.__name
    def name(self, name):
        self.__name = name

    def path_to_root_object(self):
        """Returns all parent objects"""
        ret = []
        p = self
        while p.parent_object != None:
            p = p.parent_object
        return list(reversed(ret))

    def value(self):
        """Default accessor for this kind of data"""
        raise NotImplemented

    def base_directory(self):
        """The base directory of a type is always the base directory
        of the (statically) enclosing experiment instance. The
        Directory has the form <ExperimentName>-<HASH>"""
        if not self.static_experiment:
            return None
        return self.static_experiment.base_directory

    def tmp_directory(self):
        """A temporary directory, which can be used during experiment
        execution. The tmp_directory is deduced through the dynamic
        experiment reference"""
        assert self.dynamic_experiment, "Type is not used part of a running experiment"
        return self.dynamic_experiment.tmp_directory

    def __repr__(self, value=None):
        if value:
            return "<%s %s '%s'>" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.__name, value)
        return "<%s %s>" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.__name)

class InputParameter:
    is_restartable = False

    def __init__(self):
    def inp_setup_cmdline_parser(self, parser):
        raise NotImplemented
    def inp_extract_cmdline_parser(self, opts, args):
        raise NotImplemented

    def __parser_option(self, option = None):
        if option:
            return + "-" + option

    def was_given(self):
        """Checks if an optional parameter was given"""
        if not hasattr(self, "optional_parameter_given"):
            return True
        if self.optional_parameter_given:
            return True
        return False

    def inp_parser_add(self, parser, option, default, **kwargs):
        option = self.__parser_option(option)
        kw = {
            "dest": option,
        if not hasattr(self, "optional_parameter_given"):
            kw["default"] = default
            kw["help"]    = "(default: %s)" % default

        parser.add_argument(f'--{option}', **kw)

    def inp_parser_extract(self, opts, option):
        a = getattr(opts, self.__parser_option(option), None)
        if a != None and hasattr(self, "optional_parameter_given"):
            self.optional_parameter_given = True
        return a

    def inp_metadata(self):
        return {}

def Optional(input_parameter):
    """Makes an input parameter optional. input_parameter.was_given()
    checks if the parameter was given on the command line."""
    if not isinstance(input_parameter, InputParameter):
        raise RuntimeError("Optional() can only be used with input parameters")
    input_parameter.optional_parameter_given = False
    return input_parameter

class OutputParameter:
    def __init__(self):

[docs]class String(InputParameter, Type): """Can be used as: **input parameter** A String is the most simple input parameter.""" def __init__(self, default_value=""): InputParameter.__init__(self) Type.__init__(self) self.__value = default_value def __reinit__(self, value): self.__value = value def inp_setup_cmdline_parser(self, parser): self.inp_parser_add(parser, None, self.__value) def inp_extract_cmdline_parser(self, opts, args): self.__value = self.inp_parser_extract(opts, None) def inp_metadata(self): return { self.value} def __str__(self): return str(self.value) def __repr__(self): return Type.__repr__(self, self.__value) @property def value(self): """The value of the string. This is either the default value or the parameter given on the command line""" return self.__value
[docs]class Bool(InputParameter, Type): """Can be used as: **input parameter** A boolean flag parameter (will accept "yes" and "no" on the command line.""" def __init__(self, default_value=False): InputParameter.__init__(self) Type.__init__(self) self.__value = default_value def __reinit__(self, value): self.__value = value def inp_setup_cmdline_parser(self, parser): self.inp_parser_add(parser, None, self.__value) def inp_extract_cmdline_parser(self, opts, args): yes_values = ("yes", "y", "true", "1") no_values = ("no", "n", "false", "0") self.__value = self.inp_parser_extract(opts, None) if type(self.value) == str and self.__value.lower() in yes_values: self.__value = True elif type(self.value) == str and self.__value.lower() in no_values: self.__value = False elif type(self.__value) == bool: pass else: raise RuntimeError("Wrong parameter for Bool() argument (%s = %s), possible values are %s, %s" %\ (, self.__value, yes_values, no_values)) def inp_metadata(self): return { self.value} def __str__(self): return str(self.value) @property def value(self): """The value of the bool. This is either the default value or the parameter given on the command line""" return self.__value
[docs]class Integer(InputParameter, Type): """Can be used as: **input parameter** A integer flag argument (will accept a number on the command line.""" def __init__(self, default_value = 0): InputParameter.__init__(self) Type.__init__(self) self.__value = default_value def __reinit__(self, value): self.__value = value def inp_setup_cmdline_parser(self, parser): self.inp_parser_add(parser, None, self.__value) def inp_extract_cmdline_parser(self, opts, args): self.__value = self.inp_parser_extract(opts, None) if type(self.__value) == int: pass else: try: self.__value = int(self.__value) except: raise RuntimeError("Wrong parameter for Bool() argument (%s)" % self.__value) def inp_metadata(self): return { self.value} def __str__(self): return str(self.value) @property def value(self): """The value of the integer. This is either the default value or the parameter given on the command line""" return self.__value
[docs]class List(InputParameter, Type, list): """Can be used as: **input parameter** Sometimes there is the need to give a variable length of other **input types** as argument to an experiment. Of course here the command line parsing is somewhat more difficult, because the argument count isn't determined in before. The *datatype* argument is the type of the input parameter which should be collected:: inputs = { "strings": List(String) } The default_value must be a list of compatible instances. List list will be used, if no arguments are given. If any argument of this type on the command line is given, the default_value will not be used:: inputs = { "strings": List(String, default_value=[String("abc")]) } On the command line the List parameter can be given multiple times. These will be collected, if you want collect the strings ``["abc", "foobar", "Hallo Welt"]`` you can use the following parameters on the command line:: --strings abc --strings foobar --strings "Hallo Welt" .. note:: mention that the list members will appear as separate fields in the metadata. all start with the name of the input, and have a running number -%d appended. More complicated is the situation, when the subtype takes more than one command-line argument. There you can replace the name prefix with a colon. For example if you want to give a list of two :class:`~versuchung.archives.GitArchive` instances use the input definition ``"git": List(GitArchive)`` together with the command line:: --git ":clone-url /path/to/git1" --git ":clone-url /path/to/git2" .. note:: Be aware of the quotation marks here! In the experiment the input parameter behaves like a list (it inherits from ``list``), so it is really easy to iterate over it:: for string in self.inputs.strings: print(string.value) for git in self.inputs.git: # Clone all given Git Archives print(git.path) """ def __init__(self, datatype, default_value=[]): InputParameter.__init__(self) Type.__init__(self) list.__init__(self, default_value) if type(datatype) != type: datatype = type(datatype) self.datatype = datatype self.__command_line_parsed = False def __reinit__(self, values): if hasattr(self.datatype, "__reinit__"): self[:] = [] self.subobjects.clear() for item in values: # Intatiate Datatype item = self.datatype(item) self.subobjects["%d" % len(self)] = item self.append(item) def inp_setup_cmdline_parser(self, parser): self.inp_parser_add(parser, None, [], action="append", help = "List parameter for type %s" % self.datatype.__name__) def before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type): for idx, value in enumerate(self): self.subobjects[str(idx)] = value Type.before_experiment_run(self,parameter_type) def inp_extract_cmdline_parser(self, opts, args): args = self.inp_parser_extract(opts, None) if not args: return # Remove default values self[:] = [] self.subobjects.clear() while len(args) > 0: arg = args.pop(0) if hasattr(self.datatype, "path") and not os.path.exists(arg): args = glob.glob(arg) + args # Remove duplicated items caused by symlinks args = list(set([os.path.realpath(x) for x in args])) continue # Create Subtype and initialize its parser subtype = self.datatype() self.subobjects["%d" % len(self)] = subtype subtype_parser = ArgumentParser() subtype.inp_setup_cmdline_parser(subtype_parser) sub_args = ["--" +, arg] opts = subtype_parser.parse_args(sub_args) subtype.inp_extract_cmdline_parser(opts, sub_args) self.append(subtype) def inp_metadata(self): metadata = { []} for idx, item in enumerate(self): m = item.inp_metadata() metadata[].append(m["%s-%d" % (, idx)]) metadata.update(m) return metadata @property def value(self): """Returns the object (which behaves like a list) itself. This is only implemented for a coherent API.""" return self def __repr__(self): return Type.__repr__(self, list.__repr__(self))